get a team together
Start by choosing a category

Corporate Team
Teams made up of employees of a businesses or company in the local area. Team sponsorship fees are usually covered by the company itself.
Minimum age 16 years on 22nd June 2025.

Community Team
A community team could be made up of groups such as Schools or colleges,
Villages, Pubs, Amateur groups (AmDram, Sports Clubs etc)
Minimum age 16 years on 22nd June 2025.
Youth Team
A 'Young Dragons' team is made up of children aged between 11 and 17 and are often formed from teams at senior school or scout groups etc.

Get a Team Together
You will need to get together a team of between 13 and 20 paddlers plus a drummer. A maximum of 16 paddlers form the boat crew for each race. Crew members can be all shapes and sizes, male and female. There is no upper limit but you should be reasonably fit and not suffering from asthma, heart problems etc.
Nominate a Team Leader
We have found that the best way to run your team is to nominate a crew captain. This person will be a good organiser and happy to manage the process as well as being the main point of contact with the Dragon Boat Challenge organiser. This person can choose to race in the boat or simply be the organiser.
Choose a Name and Costume!
You need to choose a name for your team, this will be used in all team materials and tannoy announcements when you win a race! To add to the fun, we encourage teams to choose a theme and costume and to come in fancy dress! Previous teams have come dressed as pirates, smurfs, vikings and St. Trinian’s (a prize will be awarded to the best dressed team.)
Entry Costs
Teams pay an entry fee of £495 which is normally split between the participants (approx. £25 each). The organisers should attempt to find a corporate sponsor(s) to fund the entry fee for Young Dragons teams.
Setting up your Sponsorship
Each paddler is expected to raise a minimum of £75 PER PERSON (£40 for Young Dragons) from their own sponsors. The net proceeds of the event will be divided between CancerWise and charities supported by the Rotary Club of Chichester Priory.
We encourage each paddler to set up their own JustGiving page for online sponsorship, a quick and easy way for family, friends and businesses to give sponsorship. Here’s how:
How to Setup an Individual Team Page
1. Log into your JustGiving Page on justgiving.com or register if you are new to JustGiving on the same web page
2. Go to the 'Choose your Charity' page and type in Chichester Priory Rotary and select 'The Charitable Fund of the Rotary Club of Chichester Priory'
3. Under 'What are you doing' scroll down to Taking Part in an Event and select
4. Select Chichester Priory Rotary Dragon Boat Challenge 2025
5. Then continue setting up your page.
If you struggle to set up a fundraising page for your team the alternative is to pass on to your family, friends and sponsors the link below which will take them straight to the Chichester Rotary Dragon Boat Challenge 2025 event page where they can also make a donation.
The Races
Each team will participate in 3 races with the possibility of some additional races to decide class winners. The smaller your team the more races you will have to take part in. Save your fittest members for all 3 races!
Full instructions, safety briefings, advice and a detailed programme for the day will be provided to all teams closer to the event.
On Water Management
The on water management and running of all race activities will be in the very capable and experienced hands of Dragon Boat Events Ltd. They are the UK’s No. 1 dragon boat event company and have worked successfully with many Rotary Clubs over the past 15 years. They meet all the required operating standards, including public liability insurance. The company provides all the boats and equipment required, as well as professionally qualified event staff, including a qualified helmsman for each boat.